(818) 342-1894 Mon - Sat 08:30AM - 06:00PM Closed Sundays 7550 Tampa Ave. Ste H Reseda, CA 91335
(818) 342-1894 Mon - Sat 08:30AM - 06:00PM Closed Sundays 7550 Tampa Ave. Ste H Reseda, CA 91335
Top Valley Dentist
Certified Award Dental
Top Rated Dentistry

Dentistry with Biolase

WaterLaseDr. Vahe Vorperian utilizes a Waterlase Laser unit for several routine procedures performed at her office.

The Waterlase laser is a revolutionary new dental device that uses laser-energized water to that performs a variety of dental/periodontal procedures, including soft tissue (gum) debridement, biopsies, removal of hyperplastic tissue, treatment of gummy smile, removal of gum pigmentation.

This new technology significantly improves patient comfort because it does not cause heat or vibration in the mouth, which helps to ease the pain and anxiety of patients who fear the vibration and high-pitched whine of traditional drills.

Less Bleeding & Swelling

Due to its conservative, gentle cutting action and coagulating capabilities, the WaterLase® performs many soft tissue (gum) procedures with little or no bleeding and less post-op swelling.


Clinical Uses

A WaterLase laser system equips a dentist to perform the full range of laser procedures –soft and hard tissue surgery, and periodontics.

Soft Tissue Periodontal Applications


  • Excisional and incisional biopsies
  • Exposure of unerupted teeth
  • Fibroma removal
  • Flap preparation – incision of soft tissue to prepare a flap and expose the bone
  • Flap preparation – incision of soft tissue to prepare a flap and expose unerupted teeth (hard and soft tissue impactions)
  • Frenectomy and frenotomy
  • Gingival troughing for crown impressions
  • Gingivectomy
  • Gingivoplasty
  • Gingival incision and excision
  • Hemostasis

Other Soft Tissue Applications

  • Implant recovery

  • Incision and drainage of abscesses

  • Laser soft tissue curettage of the post-extraction tooth sockets and the periapical are during apical surgery

  • Operculectomy

  • Oral papillectomies

  • Reduction of gingival hypertrophy

  • Soft tissue crown lengthening

  • Sulcular debridement (removal of diseased and inflamed soft tissue)

  • Treatment of canker sores, herpetic and aphthous ulcers of the oral Mucosa

  • Vestibuloplasty

  • Cutting, shaving, contouring and resection of oral osseous tissues (bone)

  • Laser soft tissue curettage

  • Laser removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue within the periodontal pocket

  • Removal of highly inflamed edematous tissue affected by bacteria penetration of the pocket lining and junctional epithelium

  • Removal of granulation tissue from bony defects

  • Sulcular debridement (removal of diseased or inflamed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket to improve clinical indices including gingival index, gingival bleeding index, probe depth, attachment loss and tooth mobility)

  • Osteoplasty and osseous recontouring (removal of bone to correct osseous defects and create physiologic osseous contours)

  • Ostectomy (resection of bone to restore bony architecture, resection of bone for grafting, etc.)

  • Osseous crown lengthening